AMFM Animated promo video A promo piece for AMFM at the outset of their brand refresh. With the purpose of displaying their fresh perspective on recovery, we used handmade vignettes and metaphors to create this piece.
Little Fat Boy Freelance illustratorFrankie Gaw or @littlefatboyfrankie has created a social media presence that warms heart and fills bellies. We started out with a small illustration and grew that into a library of imagery for his on-going recipes and projects, most notably “Turning American Classics Asian”.
Griffin bank wanted to “wow” their staff with your company offsite in Portugal. We set the tone for the event and reimagined their logo into a character that felt charming and sophisticated, yet plump and playful.
This also accompanied a set of illustrations used across materials for the event.
Utah Jazz, Junior Jazz Illustration set A set of illustrations for the youth program of the Utah Jazz. This was a new endeavor for the Jazz brand team. It came to be the illustrated mascots seen here: the Grizzly, the Basketball, the Beehive, the Hoop, the Hand, the Sax, and the Mountain. Each image pulled reference from Utah and its culture.
w/ Tyler Andrews, Kylie Larsen, and Victoria Stark
After living all across the East Coast, I summarized my adventures into a small art show. Pieces were created digitally and rendered into different formats including adhesive stickers, large posters, and handmade zines. The theme was mainly around NYC but aimed to capture personal memories and a general ethos of the city.
Shown here are the iconography. The attempt was to create single objects/icons as physical memories.
Accompanying these works was a large hand sewn piece, and an animated short entitled “Just Visiting”, which was the title of the art show.
An illustration for a small art show. The theme was mainly around NYC but aimed to capture personal memories and a general ethos of the city.
Image was also used for marketing the event.
Accompanying this works was also a set of iconography, a large hand sewn piece, and an animated short entitled “Just Visiting”, which was the title of the art show.
BILL Brand refreshAs a staff brand designer, I helped lead their 2022 visual brand refresh. We wanted to move in a direction that felt timeless, ownable, and human. This meant adjusting their iconic main orange brand color, and going from to BILL.
My main focus was on their illustration and motion design systems. I created their initial libraries and lead the initial team for the rollout. I love the work we did their:)
Freelance:Art direction Illustration Animation Brand designArtist based in the USA
Available for freelance ak.eastburn@gmail.comCreating short animations, gifs, ads, logo animations, explainers, illustrations, stories, and visual brands.
Born in CA, working all over. Husband, father, mixed Costa Rican/Hawaiian American.